This morning I had the awesome privilege of trying to use the boogie sucker and change a diaper, all while half awake. Little G was fully awake. Given his small size if you thought I had some advantage in this situation, you’d be wrong.

I find it hard to believe that this child only has 2 arms and 2 legs. Here it is 6:45am and it’s me vs the wailing child that has somehow morphed into an octopus. This means 2 things to those of you that have followed for a bit. 1) my awesome boogie sucker trick has failed me and 2) my sweet hubs D has left me to fend for myself against the wailing octopus and is pretending to sleep through it in the bed 5 feet from the changer.

I finally get D out of bed and he helps to hold down various body parts during the boogie sucking section of this battle. 1 down 1 to go. As I attempt a diaper change D heads off to the bathroom. Oh no.

Diaper comes off and immediately G is attempting to flip over in all his “free” glory. I cannot keep him face up, put on a diaper, and catch one of the seemingly endless limbs that are batting away my hands.

This is going to be a long day.

In the end hubs came back and we won…for now…

(The photo is one I snapped mid morph while trying to keep the 8 limbs from scaling my laptop cord)