
While I was pregnant with Little G, I read an amazing devotion written by Lysa TerKeurst. I encourage you to head on over and read it also. This devotion gave words to what my heart was feeling.

How is success measured?  I think this is a question that every parent must ask and decide for themselves. As Little G grows this will forever change.

At 9 months success is usually measured in steps taken, sitting up, and talking. My nephew crawled a month earlier, was significantly chubbier and has an amazing vocabulary at the age of 2. Is this the success of a child?

Not to me. Sure they are exciting and happy moments, but do they define a child? No, there is so much more.

Little G is the smiliest and happiest child I know. He’s already showing that he’s got perseverance and excitement. He’s got a ton of energy and is a passionate little guy. I’m not sure what the future will hold for him. But I know that success in our home will be defined by his heart.

Of course we will encourage him to give his very best effort in everything. And maybe he will get amazing grades and be the smartest one in our family… but then again maybe he won’t and instead be the one with the biggest heart for the homeless or orphaned children. Only time will tell…

How do you define success for your children? Is it in the big things or the small everyday victories? How do you balance the two?