holy experience
Welcome to Multitude Monday hosted by A Holy Experience. I am on a mission to record 1000 gifts I have. I hope to change my fickle heart and start to truly appreciate all that God has given me.

52. Insulation (and cleaning)

We have finally finished insulating our upstairs. This is a huge blessing for us in many ways. 2 years ago our upstairs was a HUGE attic with a door at the top. I used to call them the stairs to nowhere. Then last year we began work on the upstairs, with the intention of finishing it soon. That didn’t happen, but the door and entire frame was already gone. All last winter we had 2 layers of fabric at the top of the stairs, and 1 at the bottom to try and keep out the draft. But this year, we have INSULATION!! When the insulation was done, D spent a couple of hours up there cleaning. It’s so close and every week it looks more like a part of the house.

53. Dreadmill Treadmill

I don’t really want to be thankful for this, but we are. I don’t enjoy the treadmill and but I am thankful that we have a way to keep ourselves healthy during the winter. My friend Jamy just got a treadmill and she is extremely thankful for hers, and it has definitely rubbed off on me.

54. Caring doctors.
Two little girl's playing doctor

Image via Clipart

This week Little G had a bout with sickness. He had a fever  that was around 103-104F the whole week. Tylenol wasn’t working in the beginning, but Motrin did help. Although it wasn’t a big deal, it was scary for us. 104 might as well have been 120. He has had fevers before, but not for so long. Our doctor’s office was great with us. They took all 3 of our calls, helped me figure out what to do when no one had Infant Motrin (that includes the generic) and his temp at home was 104.2. They called to see how he was doing, and generally check up. We are really blessed to have a dr’s office that cares.

  • Jennifer Belo

    Great list! I applaud you for being thankful for the treadmill. Me? I curse it every single day! 😉