
Life just seems to swirl on by. Earlier this year was horrendous, things were just more difficult than I could handle. I wanted to run away, and mentally I did a little. But somehow that worked out. A little bit of guts, a lot of soul searching and a miracle thrown in. I am truly blessed to have a husband who stood by me threw all the emotional madness, even when he thought I should have been doing more, or speaking up more. He stood by me. And occasionally when I told him I didn’t need him to fix it, just commiserate with me… he did.

The part that cracks me up is that I have been threw much more turmoil than this. Much much more, and I was cool and calm and collected threw that. I blame the majority of my madness on pregnancy hormones. I was newly pregnant and facing what I thought was a hopeless battle. But it did work out.

And now months and months later, I know I did the right thing. Not everyone agreed with how I handled it all. But I know I did it right.

Someone at work told me last week that D and I are oddly old fashioned. Meaning that we believe good things will happen if we are good.

You know what? We are.

It’s sad to me that the world has lost it’s respect for each other and it’s respect for God. But that’s where it all comes from. I’m not going to treat someone in a way I would not want to be treated even if they are giving me the same courtesy. I want to walk through this life and know that I did the best I could. I want to know that I tried to be what God wanted me to be. And sometimes that looks like a doormat. It does. But it doesn’t mean I am a doormat.

Many people say the squeaky wheel gets oiled first. But who cares about first. Do they get the good oil? Is it done right, or just to shut them up?

I still have a What Would Jesus Do wristband. It’s cliché but the easiest way to measure every situation. And there is always a right way. There is not always an easy way, and usually the right way is not the easy way.

I will walk through this life with honor and integrity. My tape measure is God. It is not what anyone else, or even myself says is the right thing to do.