What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.

– Dr. Seuss

Thanksgiving has long been a day to give thanks. To spend time with family and realize all that you have. But over the last few generations it has taken on another meaning. It’s the eve of Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year.

This year it has been taken to another level. Stores are opening on Thanksgiving. People are leaving their families in order to get in line as early as 10am. Consumerism has gained another point this year. The message the Holidays is being buried more and more each year.

We are standing against this changing tide. For the past few years we have participated in the Advent Conspiracy. This aims to put the focus during the Holidays back where it belongs… On the Father and family.

We do give gifts, however they are not the main focus and place a large emphasis on being good family members. And the gift we give are thought filled an meant to reach out to our loved ones. If you would like to know more, please click on the logo below.

The Holidays are not about the money, the lines or the gifts. They are about love of our Creator an the love of families. As Black Friday is only hours away (and has started already for some stores) I encourage you to examine your motivations.

What is important to you this year?

  • Jamy

    We’re doing the same thing this year.  Still giving small presents, but focusing more on family time, celebrating the meaning and reason for Christmas, and starting traditions that don’t focus on gifts, shopping, etc.  Thanks to you for sharing this with us last year, we’re fully embracing it this year!