So here we are, day two of going back to work and Little Miss Fussy Pants doesn’t want to take a bottle. Ugh! I’m totally confused, because she took a bottle a few days ago, then again with hubs and YESTERDAY morning with no problems. But all of the sudden… BOOM! No more bottles for her.

Last night she refused the bottle for a few hours and then finally gave in. Today at daycare she drank around 1/2 – 1 1/2 ounces, with a total of 5oz for the day. Tonight she took a bottle for me with no issues. I’m VERY confused. I know they say not to worry, that a baby won’t starve themselves… but how do you stand firm? And what if she never wants a bottle? I know they say boob is best, but I have to work too. Grrr. I’m considering changing her bottle type and see if that helps, but I’m just not sure. There are some big name brand bottles out there and I hope I can gather a few to do a comparison review. I’m not sure if it will work out, but I’m trying.

As for today, I’m bracing myself for the night ahead. After eating so little all day, I can only assume what this evening will be like…

  • Julie R.

    O, Amber! I’m so sorry to hear that you are struggling with bottles with little miss. I’ll be praying she & you get into a routine soon that works!