Double strollers that is. We’ve been looking all week for a double stroller… It’s not fun. There doesn’t seem to be one stroller that has all the features we want.


(This just isn’t going to cut it!)

  • Compact fold
  • large canopy
  • recline seat
  • grab bar or snack tray

You can find some of these things but not all. Our best option right now is pretty similar to an umbrella stroller, except that the cup holders are worthless and it costs $275. And I don’t really like it all that much.

But then again, there wasn’t any one stroller that I loved.

I find this funny though. there are strollers that fold up to be a backpack, but they don’t make a double. Umbrella strollers don’t recline. Most strollers have crummy canopies. And the $275 has a grab bar that is useless and seems generally flimsy. Odd that no one makes a great double stroller. Sure, there’s the Bugaboo Donkey, but that’s WAY out of our price range.

Saturday was spent trying out stroller after stroller. And of course one store couldn’t carry them all, so we had to go to more than 1. In the end we walked away more confused and hungry.

If you have a double stroller, what kind do you have and why?