I consider myself to be a good helpmate to my husband. I try to be fair to him and not take advantage of him. I try to be the wife that shares the responsibilities especially the ones involving kids and poo. I even try to take some of the more awful things, or the ones I know that D won’t like.
When we do the dishes together I offer to do the ones in the lower cabinets because I know that D doesn’t like to get down to those. And if I’m feeling especially generous then I will take an extra bedtime routine on his night. I try not to criticize too much and be considerate when something bothers him.d
I try to be a good wife and helpmate. Wouldn’t you say I am?
On Father’s Day I came across a great picture.


It’s powerful right? I mean imagine a world where all the men were upstanding and took their responsibilities very seriously. What would it take to achieve that? And then it dawned on me. It would take an army of prayerful wives, lifting up and encouraging the men in their lives.
I can try to be the best helpmate but if I am not praying for my husband, it’s all in vain. So my gift to my husband this year was to commit to praying for him each night. To really be there for him, where it matters.

Would you commit to praying for the men in your life?

  • kristy_crisler

    That is a great Father’s Day gift!  I may just have to steal that idea- why is it I have no problem remembering to pray for my children, friends, sisters, etc, but rarely remember to pray for my husband day-to-day?  An awesome reminder.